The CSGNA began as the Ontario Society of Gastrointestinal Assistants in 1984. In 1989, the Society had evolved into a National Society and was renamed as the Canadian Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates.
The CSGNA received specialty designation from the Canadian Nurses Association with the first Certification exam in Gastroenterology Nursing offered in 2004. CGN(C), Certified Gastroenterology Nurse (Canada) credentials are significant of the educational and professional achievements of CSGNA Registered Nurse members.
Il y a maintenant une année que nous nous sommes regroupés pour former le chapitre de Québec de la SCIIGTA. Puisqu’il n’y avait aucune formation offerte pour les infirmières en gastroentérologie à Québec, nous avons jugé plus que pertinent de faire avancer nos connaissances et celles de nos collègues en participant activement à la mise sur pied de ce volet francophone. Nous sommes fiers de participer et d’offrir de notre temps pour le développement de notre profession et de faire partie de cette belle organisation canadienne.
We support knowledgeable, engaged, professional members
CSGNA supports and encourages the professional development of GI Nurses.
We aim for excellence in comprehensive Gastroenterology nursing care by collaborating extensively across the Canadian Healthcare continuum and partnering with professional organizations and industry
- CNA certification
- Annual National Conferences
- Chapter and Regional Conferences
- Educational Grants and Awards
- Online Education
- Standards
- Evidence-based guidelines
- Position statements
- Community of Practice
- Conference events
- Industry partnerships
- Inter-organizational, interdisciplinary collaboration
- Social media
- Poster presentations
- Research Grant
- Member presentations
- Board representation
- (Canadian Nurses Association, Gastroenterology Nursing Journal, Canadian Standards Association)
Quality and Safety
- Endorsement of patient care
- nursing/patient education
- quality improvement tools