

 To provide up-to-date information in the field of gastroenterology. 

 To encourage interdisciplinary exchange of information with colleagues. 

 To promote membership and obtain support from fellow colleagues. 

 Contact Persons 

Jessica Robar – Chapter President 

Edna Lang – Chapter Vice President/Chapter Treasurer  

Helena Bortolin – Chapter Secretary

NS Chapter Executive  

Phone: (902) 876-2521 

Fax:     (902) 473-3151 

[email protected] 

Onsite parking available,  FREE ON THE STREET


 Program   Sat. October 19, 2019 Bethune Ballroom, VG Site Halifax


0745-0815   Breakfast & Registration 


0815-0830   Welcoming Remarks 

Jessica Robar RN MN CGN(C)

0830-0930   Achalasia

                 Dr. Daniel French, MD MASc FRCSC

0930-0945    CSGNA Business Meeting

0945-1000    Nutritional Break – Visit with Exhibitors

1000-1100    Inflammatory Bowel Disease

                Barbara Currie, NP

1100-1200    Anticoagulants

        Dr. Harrison Petropolis, MD

1200-1245    Lunch (Visit with Exhibitors)  

1245-1315    Open Practice Forum- Bring your questions/concerns

1315-1415    GI Bleeds

                           Dr. Geoff Williams, MD

1414-1430    Stretch Break

1430-1530     Diabetes

                   Marleen Spencer, RN CGN(C)

1530-1545     Wrap up and evaluation




Registration Form 


NS Chapter of the CSGNA 

Education Day 

October 19 2019


Bethune Ballrom

VG Site 

Halifax, NS 



Name: __________________________________________ 

Address: ________________________________________ 


Telephone Number: _______________________________ 

E-Mail: _________________________________________ 

Hospital/Institute: _________________________________ 

***Dietary Restrictions: _____________________________


Registration Fee: 

$50.00 for CSGNA Members

$75.00 for non-members  

Please make cheque payable to  

NS Chapter of CSGNA and mail this form by Oct 11 2019.

NS Chapter of the CSGNA Education Day

C/O Edna Lang  

CSGNA Nova Scotia Chapter Treasurer 

27 Nicholson Dr 

Lakeside, NS 

B3T 1B3 

[email protected] 
