0700-0800 |
Breakfast & Registration
Windsor Foyer & Ballroom
0800-0825 |
Opening Ceremonies
Windsor Ballroom
0825-0925 |
Anthony Johnson and Dr. James Makokis became the first Two-Spirit team to compete on the Amazing Race Canada and received national attention for their participation on the show, while bringing new awareness to gender, sexuality and First Nation issues. They fought hard challenge after challenge eventually to become the winners of Season 7! They are both now speaking across Canada sharing their stories of their experience on the Amazing Race Canada while continuing to raise awareness and advocate for First Nation and LGBTQ2 individuals.
0925-0930 |
0930-1015 |
Concurrent Session 1A
Intestinal Ultrasound In IBD - The Next Frontier
I will review the objectives and provide an overview how IUS is utilized in Calgary, and how it is growing nationally as well as internationally. I will discuss how to diagnose IBD on ultrasound, how to interpret reports, and how to use it as a diagnostic and monitoring tool. Session Objectives:- Understand the advantages of different imaging modalities for the bowel.
- Review features of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) on grey scale US.
- Recognize how bowel US is currently integrated into IBD/flare clinics
- Demonstrate how bowel US can objectively evaluate IBD and is an ideal modality
- Appreciate where intestinal ultrasound is heading in the future.
Concurrent Session 1B
Celiac Myth Busters
Dominica is a pediatric gastroenterologist in Calgary with a clinical focus in pediatric celiac disease. She completed her medical training at the University of Toronto, and then moved to Calgary for her pediatric residency and GI fellowship training. She is a member of the Canadian
Celiac Association Professional Advisory Council Session Objectives:- What is celiac disease
- How common it is
- How children (and adults) present
- Why people develop celiac
- How it is diagnosed
1015-1030 |
1030-1110 |
Concurrent Session 2A
Updates In Gastric Dysfunction
Symptoms of gastric function include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, and are commonly seen in gastroparesis.
This presentation will review the latest understanding of these types of diseases and new tests to assess them.
Interventions for these disorders of interest to GI Nurses, such as G-POEM, Botox, and feeding tube placement, will be reviewed. Session Objectives:- Recognize new testing approaches for gastroparesis and chronic nausea and vomiting
- Review interventions for managing gastric symptoms: G-POEM, Botox, feeding tubes
Concurrent Session 2B
IBD & Pregnancy
Overview of the management of IBD in pregnancy, with the framework of 'The effect of IBD on pregnancy', 'The effect of pregnancy on IBD', 'Safety of medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding', 'Obstetric considerations and collaborations', 'Preventive care in Pregnancy'. Session Objectives:- Review best practices for the overall management of IBD pre conception, during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Evaluate the safety of medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Acknowledge the importance of collaboration with other specialities
1110-1115 |
1115-1200 |
Plenary - Windsor
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: Not So Fecal Anymore
FMT has been evolving steady, particularly in the last 3 years, with completion of programs started nearly a decade ago. We have advanced to having multiple methods and approaches to suite different clinical situations. We have also come to recognize that there are limits to donor derived fecal microbes, in that donors can be sources of bad bugs. We have made progress in understanding that not all microbes in feces are needed, and that some groups/types of microbes are highly effective, and that other microbes are not needed. The findings of what works to achieve cure of
CDI, also teaches us how our intestinal tracts are depending on the right mix of microbes to function well. Maybe the answer to 'robogut' i.e the health person who has no bowel complaints, is able to eat whatever he/she wants, has regular BMs, sleeps well, mentally sharp, energetic, is the person with the right balance of microbes. Microbes are integral to our well being. They are the stinky ones, learn to love them. Session Objectives:- Specific: attendees will understand that there are keystone microbes that are the foundation of gut health
- Measurable: you don't need a lot (given that the transplant is done the right way)
- Attainable: products are coming to market in the next year, but at what cost? how about home made stuff?
- Results: results of RCTs will be summarized
- Timely: hot off the press.
1200-1300 |
1300-1345 |
Concurrent Session 3A
Decompensated Cirrhosis
Concurrent Session 3B
AI and Colon Cancer Detection
1345-1350 |
1350-1450 |
Concurrent Session 4A
New Techniques In Gastroenterology: Impacts On Pathology
Endoscopic techniques continue to evolve to allow new diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients. This results in new types of specimens being sent to pathology, which can cause interpretive difficulties. Increasing the understanding of the procedures and the needs of Pathologists will aid in ensuring the best quality care for patients. Session Objectives:- Understand the principles underlying the use of new endoscopic techniques
- Effectively manage specimens to allow optimal pathologic examination
Concurrent Session 4B
Lifestyle Management Of Ibs And Digital Tools To Support The Patient Journey
Lifestyle plays an important role in the management of IBS, and is frequently used as first line of therapy. Examples of evidence based lifestyle therapies include diet, cognitive behavioural therapy, yoga, breathing, mindfulness and physical activity. Many patients with IBS
seek holistic solutions to mange their symptoms, however knowledge gaps remain about accessing skilled health professionals and optimal patient selection for individualized lifestyle therapies. This presentation will review the basic pathophysiology of IBS, and discuss where and how lifestyle therapies can fit to improve disease course. Novel digital solutions to personalized IBS care will be discussed. Session Objectives:- Discuss the role for diet therapies in the management of IBS
- Describe the role of the brain-gut axis in IBS pathophysiology
- Discuss mind body interventions and their role in IBS management
- Discuss the role of novel digital solutions for IBS management"
1450-1505 |
1505-1555 |
Third Space Endoscopy - A New Frontier
This session will be an introduction to the concept, tools, and techniques used to perform submucosal (so called third space) endoscopy including per oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). Session Objectives:- Understand the concept of operating in the submucosal space of the GI tract
- Describe the indications for endoscopic myotomy and endoscopic submucosal dissection
- Recognize the tools and techniques used to perform third space endoscopy
1550-1555 |
1555-1645 |
Updates In Endoscope Reprocessing
Proper endoscope processing requires strict adherence to MIFUs, national standards, and professional society guidelines. This program will discuss guidance updates and the most current data related to cleaning, quality testing, inspection, drying, and storage of endoscopes and the latest issues surrounding these medical devices.
1645-1700 |
Transition to Exhibit Hall
Main Ballroom
1700-1900 |
Exhibitor's Welcome Reception
Main Ballroom
Meet all of the exhibitors for an evening of networking in the exhibit hall.